Saturday, 18 February 2012

Back to the future

Last week was half term and we had our 2 grandchildren to stay for the week. I know its a cliche but you can enjoy grandchildren as you don't have the responsibility for their growth and development on a day to day basis. There are a lot of differences in the way children grow and react to the world now, as obviously there are more social networks and activities, but last week I realised that there is still the same inate need that never alters. I was whisked back into a world of fantasy land and pretend, (strangely, this pretend play had an american accent ). A mix of activity, dancing, boisterous play intertwinned with web pages, dvds and cbeebies, but feeding the ducks is still an old favourite. Although children have more opportunities and access now, it is still the interaction by a loving adult that needs to be present. Children haven't changed, - we have.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Welcome to freedom

As a new retiree and loving my absolutely different and amazing way of life after 33 years full time employment, I thought I'd enter the blogging world and share with anyone who has either retired or has taken a different path in life. The skin I live in may be getting old but the inside is young. To me, retirement means freedom. Freedom to put me first for a change. Freedom to do things I never could because time always got in the way. Freedom to discover the 'me' that has been dormant for so long. I've started by using my creative energies as I love oil painting and sewing. I hope to share my experiences and wisdom as time goes by.
As you visit my blog, please feel  free to comment or share about your own retirement or life change.