I lost my mojo this week. The effect of situations crept up on me like unwelcome stalkers and invaded my space until I couldn't see clearly and lost my direction. Mojo is defined as a magical charm bag used in hoodoo, which is now used as a slang word for self-confidence, self-esteem or sex appeal. I lost my sex appeal a while ago and haven't really missed it but my self confidence and self esteem is a different matter - I wanted those back! I know why I lost my mojo, it was due to a combination of factors that finally outweighed the balance and tipped my life scales into a gloomy phase.
All due to a sad and bad news week. A thirty year old acquaintance who lost his young life to cancer, an eighty year old who gave up his life to suicide, the disgraceful saga of Jimmy Saville, family who are doing other things or who do not contact, the end of summer, or maybe simple biochemistry's ups and downs. It all added up and got the better of me.
Then I remembered the blog I wrote last week and thought I had better put it into practice. So I began to search for my mojo, it couldn't be far away, hidden somewhere, probably right under my nose. I know its a bit early but I thought about the American tradition of thanksgiving or more fitting to this time of year, as it is the end of October and Halloween, I thought about what was growing in my own pumpkin patch. I started to think about my blessings, the good things in life, my future aspirations and expectations. Those life scales began to tip back again as I remembered the positives in my life.

I found my mojo again, it was hidden under the autumn leaves amongst all my blessings. Yes, right under my nose (or rather my feet!). As autumn heralds the start of winter and hibernation, I can confidently be assured that the world continues in its cycle of new growth in the months to come. Life, with its ups and downs, its highs and lows, there are always positive things to cherish when you don't allow them to be hidden by the troubles that life, inevitably also brings.
It is not what is happening externally in the world that is important, but how we internalise situations and events in an attempt to make sense of, and live a meaningful life. That is essential in ensuring that the 'mojo' is never lost to negative influences.
Long live the mojo!