Life will change yet again and so, as I enter a new decade in life, it is time to take stock, to look at possibilities, to reappraise our circumstances and expectations.My husband John is also retiring in one week and he already has his hobbies and projects lined up to keep him occupied. He hopes to design and create fly fishing hooks and sell them alongside my crafts at summer fetes. He also aims to rediscover his woodwork skills to make bird boxes and garden ornaments. In the short term I continue to be busy with my sewing and painting, some of which you can view via the links on my web page at
I heard recently that the husband of my best friend in my teen years has sadly died at the young age of sixty one. Like us, they had been married for forty years, unlike us, they are unable to enter their new decade together. As John and I walk this new path, I thank God for our past life and entrust Him with our future life. Maybe we can only plan so much and do not know what is around the corner but in the meantime, we stride out together.
If being '60' is the new '40' then bring on middle age!!