Tuesday, 15 May 2012


A friend suggested that when I blog, I should pass on my knowledge of painting techniques and craftwork. However, I think there is ample advice on the internet and u-tube already so I decided against adding to this. Perhaps it is because I don’t think of myself as having a technique but paint and create whatever I feel is in my heart at the time. 

For a long time I had wanted to paint a girl from another era wearing a vintage coat and looking over her shoulder. I can’t tell you the reason for this, maybe she is looking at me or you from a different age!

There is a renewed fascination with vintage wear and the girl in the painting is from the 1930’s era. A time before most of us were born but a time with similarities as we are again in a deep recession with high unemployment rates. The main hobbies in the 1930’s were DIY and gardening so not much change there then either!  Gandhi  was protesting for rights of the people in India and we have had Mandela protesting for rights in South Africa. Hitler was planning to overtake the world and we have terrorists continuing to threaten the world.

If I painted a girl of today, looking over her shoulder, I wonder what life would be like in the decade of 2090.

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