I don't usually listen to Desert Islands Discs on Radio 4 but last week I was interested to hear about the life and choices made by the stand up comedian John Bishop. I began to think about the eight songs that I would choose, which favourite book I would take and which luxury I would want with me. They are all associated to either life events or special memories.
My first two song choices are 'You're my Everything' and 'Just One Last Look' by the Temptations. The Temptations were my favourite Motown band in the 60's and they still are. My starstruck teenage years, my first love that I thought I would never get over, my 'hippie' period, my first mini skirt and the make up I would reapply in the telephone box after my dad had made me take it all off before I went out! From the same era, I would choose as my third choice, Otis Redding and 'Dock of the Bay'.
Following a brief interest in Led Zeplin, I developed a crush on an older man - Andy Williams, so my fourth disc has got to be 'Moon River' as it made me feel very emotional (or was it my teenage hormones?). I also met my husband around this time.
The Motown hits started to be few and far between and I didn't care for the 'pop' music of the day and in the 70's the punk music emerged which I thought was awful. However, for my fifth disc, I would like to include from that era, Rod Stewart and 'Sailing'. This song is timeless and it conjures up a sense of freedom and now it is still relevant as I have taken a liking to cruising so every year I go 'sailing'
My sixth choice must include Queen as although I wasn't a fan of Freddie Mercury's extravagance, his voice was exceptional. The disc I include is 'Heaven for Everyone' which he made when he knew he was dying.
My seventh and eight choices are classical pieces. I used to teach relaxation techniques and when I listen to either of these recordings, I am able to sit and relax. So my chill out time on my island would be with the help of these two discs. Mahler 'Symphony number 5' has a sad, yet powerful sound. It begins with the sadness and ends with triumph and power. My last record is Barber's 'Adagio for Strings'. I never tire of listening to this as I can loose myself in its sensitivity and intensity.
My overall favourite song will have to be my number one choice by The Temptations.
I will be allowed to take the Bible and the Complete works of Shakespeare so I should have plenty to read. The first book I ever read was called 'The Mystery of the Everglades' by C.S.Rutley when I was thirteen years old. It was given to me by the district nurse who visited my grandma daily to give her insulin injections. I was intrigued by that book and I developed a great love of reading. I have since re read this book but as it was written for a younger age group, it didn't have the same appeal. For my book choice, I will take 'The Mayor of Casterbridge' by Thomas Hardy. I studied this novel as part of my English Literature '0' level and I would take pleasure in re reading this book.
My luxury item would have to be my oil painting items so that I could spend a lot of my time painting landscapes and seascapes of my own desert island. I could also paint the ship on which I am eventually rescued from this island.