Friday, 13 July 2012

Yin and Yang?

First some good news.

 Whilst in France on holiday with the family recently, my daughter and her partner went to Paris for a couple of days. He proposed to her, overlooking romantic Paris and as she accepted, right on cue, fireworks started from somewhere in the city. Wonderful news, they were childhood sweethearts and are perfect for each other. We all look forward to the wedding which will only happen around 2015, in the meantime we are eager to try on the dresses and the preparatory work is as much fun. My own wedding only cost £350 in total, back in 1971, I expect this one will cost rather a lot more.

My second bit of good news is that my son has finally gained his degree in computer studies. After much heart ache and soul searching, he now can seek that ‘special’ job, or in these current climes, any job would be a bonus. So much pressure on our young people these days. Gone are the days when a job was for life and you could choose and expect to have employment.

My third bit of good news is that I have sold my first painting on line via my 'art shop' at  under the banner of 'Essell Art'. This painting has been packaged and posted to America and I hope it is the start of many future sales.

Now for the bad news

Does the universe really need to balance positive and negative energies? If everything has both yin and yang aspects, then my 'yang' is that I've fractured my big toe.

I was helping to load my car to help my son to move into a new flat when I dropped a marble chopping board on my toe. I will spare you from viewing any photos but it is not a pretty site as the nail bed is also damaged. The most frustrating part is actually the inability to walk far as I am hobbling and am unable to wear a shoe. It is amazing how such a small part of the body can affect the rest.

However it hasn't stopped me continuing with my sewing as I only need one foot to operate the sewing machine so I've been busy making baby clothes. My new creations can be found at

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