Thursday, 23 August 2012

Change For The Better

I follow a blog written by an old friend, also called Sue. She was my best friend when I was a teenager and in her early years of marriage, she emigrated to South Africa. I lost touch with her for a number of years and only recently have been able to catch up with her family. She writes of her upcoming 60th birthday and having to make a decision on whether to retire or not. Many of my friends have either retired or are nearing to retirement and most of them welcome this stage in life, but as I read Sue's blog, I realise that for some, retirement can be daunting.

 I retired early, nearly one year ago now and I looked forward to retirement and counted down the days. Sue writes of her indecision and expectation that life may be empty and not a change for the better. What a big difference in our expectations as I see retirement as enjoyment, freedom from schedules and rules and a chance to develop in any area I choose, whereas Sue is left wondering about her future prospects. Of course, a major factor in retirement is finance and I am lucky to be OK at the moment and I have no idea if Sue has a pension or what the retirement rules are in South Africa.

Any major change in life can be daunting and change can force you to re examine your role. Change that alters the definition of yourself, and how you are defined by others. Change that can affect your self worth if employment has been a major part of your life. I went through a phase where I wasn't sure of my new role as I had always been the career woman, the working full time mother, the manager, the shaper etc, etc. Then I realised that I no longer wanted nor needed these titles or definitions, I love the freedom of not working, I don't want to play by working rules and schedules  anymore.

My future is in my hands, I can do or not do, I can be defined by titles or not, I don't need the labels anymore as I am content in my new phase. I have enough at the moment to keep me occupied and if and when I need to change again, then that too is my choice. I may even be tempted to join one of the volunteer schemes that the government is to set up for the increased number of people who have or are about to retire! My world is in my hands now.

Future generations may not have a choice to retire, so I say to Sue and others who are undecided, embrace the change, develop new pathways, take a chance to explore the real you.

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