Thursday, 22 March 2012


Friends come and go throughout life and some friends remain. Since finishing work I now have a selective group of friends with whom I keep in touch. The phrase ’you choose your friends but are stuck with your family’ caused me to think about the friends that I choose. All have different qualities but each one has similar views and opinions to me so there is a personality connection. I feel equality between us and a respect of each other. So I am comfortable around the friends that I choose and can relax and enjoy their company.

So why is it that friends come and go throughout life? Is it based on circumstance or personal need at the time? I have had friends who have moved far away and have inadvertently lost touch and I have had friends where we have drifted apart perhaps because opinions or needs have altered. I do believe that people enter life for a particular reason and when that reason no longer applies, another friend replaces the last. My ‘life’ friends have provided me with various lessons whether that is as a role model, for support, guidance or love.  Some of these are still in my life and some not. 

Basic needs for any person are to feel loved, secure and accepted and friends provide these needs, but not all friends appear according to the rules of the cosmos, they are should also be sought and encouraged by the individual. Friendship is a two way process and so involves giving as well as receiving, so if this world is not too keen to give rather than receive, remember that a true friend is a ‘giving’ friend

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